Archive | March, 2007


18 Mar

Strategy is done at upper-echelon level, as, if it is to be effective, it must be done from an overview of the broad existing situation. Without more data on wht the company does or what products/services does the company perform, coming up with a clever use of resources or maneuvers to win your objective will be a bit of a guess. What strategic planning does is provide direction for the activities of all the lower echelons. All the tactical plans and programs and projects to be carried out at lower echelons in order to accomplish the objective stream down from the strategic plan at the top. it is the overall plan against which management can be effective and succeed.

My observation of your situation to be handled or goal to be met is to present a Communication Plan under the strategy of broadly getting key messages out to their public making them sought after and respected leaders in your field.

These 2 sites may help inspire your plans:
This is one form of communication that you can be involved with for innovative ideas. Or create a webinars or videos for topics the exec can share on the web or to introduce your conventions, seminars, etc.
Both give a final product but you can trace the string backwards and figure out how these products started with a concept of some communication plan.

Write down a list of where you want communications to occur whether it television ads, radio, talk shows, internet. It is a PR kinda world. These are ideal but to get them, it’s good to name the vias you want.

Have goals, travel, purpose behind the communications, fees, books to back it up if they are scribes, dvd’s – whatever media you like.

Start with a talk in the company first, then take it to the big leagues once the plan is aligned. Start with programs that you feel comfortable executing off of the plans and repeat the successful actions while you remove the stuff that didn’t contribute. I can send you the book on this.
Good luck,


18 Mar

The main ingredient in any PR program is reality. Communication implies that somebody is reached. PR is how your get others to work with you. Who or what public are you trying to communicate with for your public relations efforts? Do you want to apply your programs to newspapers, magazines, radio, TV or internet to cover mass media? Who are your publics?

PR has the high liability of abuse through lies and the degrade of its practitioner. But if one strictly attends to the values and truth, he will be able to communicate and can stand up to the strain. Never use lies in PR.

It’s best to start with your survey tech to get the reality level of your publics you want to reach to run your programs. This gets you closer to the things wanted and not wanted in all situations.

Do you need a program on handling rumors or run damage control?
I recommend a program on easing human relations and having successful PR with the use of manners and granting importance.
You can have a program on rituals if your consultants travel abroad.

Unless your purposes are made known and real, there is little reason for others to support your efforts. Public relations is the method one can use to get that support.


7 Mar


Check out Kdoodles shopping list and marketing places.

Also sign up with delicious for bookmarking and finding
great research from people around the world on anything.


6 Mar

The worthwhileness of any evolution depends on the soundness of the strategic plan.

But the strategic plan is dependent upon programs and projects being written to target form and which are doable within the resources available. Compliance is a done target. The person doing the target might not be aware of the overall strategic plan or how it fits into it, but I assure you that it is very poor management indeed whose targets do not all implement to one degree or another the overall strategic plan.

The upper planning body turns out a strategic plan. Middle management turns this strategic plan into tactical orders. They do this on a long-term basis and a short-term basis. When you get on down to the short-term basis you have your daily/weekly “to do’s”. These turn strategic planning into exact doable targets which are then executed in terms of motion and action for the immediate period being worked on and removing anything impeding it…resulting when good, into forward progress. Enough carried out successfully result in the reality of the overall strategic plan.

The “Art of War” is a good book to read for marketing and “playing the piano” of an organization from the top on down. Upper management knows how to play and can delegate to middle and lower management to control their zones of influence towards the whole.

MARKETING 1 – Survey Questions

6 Mar

Its alternate medicine so comes with its own set of pre conceived notions:unconventional, unorthodox, unproven,complementary, innovative, integrative being a few of them.
Seperate the positves from the negatives- highlight the positives on the cover.
Have information booklets disseminating information reducing the negatives inside the DVD jacket.

Common & Chronic are 2 of the reasons why people seek chiropractors- they are tired of the niggling and all-time pain. So apart from promoting the chiropractor you shd also consider adding the practical strategies for self-care and prevention.

While medicine is a science you can market this DVD as The Art & Science of Healthy Living.

Seem to be a lot of issues here:

– creating a survey
– designing a cover
– enlightening potential patients

I’ve never seen a chiropractor, and have no idea if I should.

To me, the issues would be:

– Is it safe? (Is this person any good?)]
– Are they a “real doctor” ?
– Can it help?
– How can I know if I should see a chiropractor?
– Will I need to go every week forever?
– Will this be covered by insurance?

I’m on the east coast, where we are not quite so “enlightened” about holistic medicine and all that. There is an underlying fear that a chiropractor who does not know what they are doing can make things much worse instead of better.

Do the survey would have been before creating the video… rather than (if I’m understanding this correctly) before designing the cover.

If the educational video is completed… do you have to do just one single cover? Couldn’t you do a couple covers,
focusing on different topics, for the same video, and see which ones folks pick up? Eventually – could you use some “core” material but produce some specific videos on, say, pregnancy, auto accidents, elderly, carpal tunnel, stress, whatever?

What’s the main benefit of seeing a chiropractor’? I guess that’s the main idea behind your dvd – educating people. Also, as I’m still young and not concerned with my overall health, is there a specific age when you should consider seeing a specialist? Do I need to be in pain to see one?

Results: Caring and Price are #1 and Safe Feeling #2 on main concern of seeing a chiropractor

Hello world!

6 Mar

Welcome to Marketing

This blog covers things about Marketing.